Last Updated: Thursday, Wed, Apr 17th, 2024

Our Mission

Connect the world through shared experiences.

Our Vision

Our platform enables creators to build experiences, games, and worlds that bring humanity together.

Our Culture

At Pocket Worlds, we’re building the creative virtual universe where everyone in the world can share joy and connect with one another. To do this, we created a distinct company culture. What makes us unique is that we:

  1. Enable ownership
  2. Challenge each other directly, honestly, and productively
  3. Keep only the best people
  4. Move incredibly fast
  5. Avoid rules in favor of values

Our Core Values

Before you read our values, you should probably know what they are and what their purpose is first. Values are the beliefs that help us work together as a team. They help us align towards a common mission and give us the rails when we have to make decisions.

We hope these values inspire and empower you through your journey at Pocket Worlds!

Be an owner, not a renter

We go beyond the 9-to-5 mindset. We're passionate true believers dedicated to our mission, eager to make our dent in the world.

Experts leading experts

We're a meritocracy. Experts can come from anywhere. Don't sacrifice truth for social cohesion.